Exploring Metal Reactive Paint with Linda Ferber
Exploring Metal Reactive Paint with Linda Ferber
I am preparing an assortment of turnings to add metal reactive paint. We will have sample boards and process information... but how does it work on practical and decorative turnings. We will have tips and show what works and what needs to be improved.
Metal reactive paint has flecks of metal in it so going through the process you can age your piece, maybe even try some steampunk. Finishes available: Cooper, brass, iron and bronze.
Announcements in this video for AAW 36th Annual International Woodturning Symposium - Chattanooga, Tennessee June 23-26 2022the 2022 Women In Turning Virtual Exchange and Linda has Small Group Meetings for WIT. You should contact Linda if you want to sign up to get in on the group discount for the AAW Symposium, WIT Virtul Exchange and to join her Small Group Meetings at