Monthly Meetings
Community Service
Small Group Meetings
Monthly Meetings
We meet on the first Saturday of the month (we take July off). We also stream the meetings live and archive the videos for anyone who can’t attend the meetings in person. Doors open at nine for coffee and donuts and lively discussions between the attendees.
There are some brief announcements, and the monthly demo begins at about 10am. Demos are always informative and educational, with lots of time for questions. Subjects range from simple bowls to lidded boxes, baby rattles and even flutes! Demonstrators are either members of the club or professionals brought in for the meeting and related classes. Many members bring examples of their work to display and are happy to share their ideas and knowledge.

Classes are offered in our dedicated classroom. The classes offer lessons for beginners and advanced students alike. They cover a wide range of topics including bowl making, spindle turning, specific techniques (how do you like using a skew chisel?) and sharpening. Classes are open to all regardless of experience and are taught by our members and professional woodturners. We also have an extensive library of woodturning videos for rent, and all of our demos are archived for members on our website.

Community Service
The MWA community service programs enable members to participate as a group using their skills and knowledge in making hand crafted items. These programs strengthen the chapter connections to other communities in a meaningful way. Our members’ support allows us to impactful contributions to Beads of Courage, Wig Stands and Empty Bowls.
Minnesota Woodturners is providing quarterly community service turning project classes. These free and open to members of all skill level classes showcase the initiative of AAW WIT Wig Stands and Beads of Courage Boxes.

Small Group Meetings
Our Small Group Meetings (also known as “Splinter Groups” provide additional opportunities for learning and socializing with other turners. At last count, there are eight groups scattered around the metro area. Most meet monthly and usually involve lunch somewhere. People bring examples of their work to share, questions or topics to discuss, and enjoy their time together. Some of the meetings include tours of members’ shops or a local, related business and some are centered around a certain topic like segmented turning. More information about our splinter groups can be found in the Members section of the website.

Not sure how to do something? We have a list of members who are happy to spend time one on one to help fellow turners work through whatever problems or ideas they have. Interested in buying a lathe but not sure which one? We have a comprehensive list of members and the lathes they own who are willing to discuss the pros and cons of each. We’ve also worked with many local suppliers who, in addition to providing advice, offer discounts to our members.

MN Woodturners Memberships
Woodturning Instruction & Classes. Join our woodturning community. Minnesota Woodturners (MWA), a non-profit, charitable, tax-exempt corporation. We offer classes on weekends throughout the winter months. Check out our classes by going to the website calendar. You do not need to be a member to register for some classes.
Benefits of Membership
Mentoring program, learn from other turners in our group, special rates on group purchases of supplies and equipment.