Event Date:Sep 17th, 2022 9:00 amCategories: Classes
2022-09-17 09:00:00
2022-09-17 09:00:00
Minnesota Woodturners Association
Class Techniques to turn add embellishments
Information: https://mnwoodturners.com/calendar/class-techniques-to-turn-add-embellishments/
Linda's class to show us - Techniques to turn and add embellishments.
September 17th 2022 Class starts at 9:00am.
Class is at Houck Machine 12811 16th Ave N Plymouth MN 55441
Class description for women and men turners:
This class will give you the techniques to turn add embellishments, and more. The class project will be a “egg” a familiar shape that includes half sphere and curves. We will spend the morning turning and then the afternoon will embellishing the eggs.
- Carving with microcarver or dremel
- Woodburning
- Dirty paint pour
- Encaustic painting
This class is designed for any skill level. Beginner to Advanced, there are always new techniques and friendships to discover. This will be about the process so prepare to enjoy and experiment without pressure – we will all learn from each other.
Suggestions of materials to bring IF you have – WE WILL ALL SHARE:
- Microcarver or Dremel and burrs
- Woodburner and tips
- Acrylic paints
- Small pieces of wood for eggs ( 2” x 2” x 3”) each person should try to make 4 eggs.
- Favorite spindle turning tools
- Faceshield