Textures & Finishes for Turners: Surface Treatments from Functional to Sculptural
Using common supplies and equipment, this demonstration showcases many of Eric’s favorite textures and finishes for woodturned pieces. Attendees will learn simple and effective techniques to create the enticing brushed, facetted and stippled textures. In addition, Eric will unveil some of his favorite finishing techniques; from penetrating oils, poly, aerosols, inks and paints. This demonstration is packed full of Eric’s techniques and preferred products, sure to be of interest to woodturners seeking the finishing touch for their turned and textured surfaces!
I have Posted the PDF he talked about in his demo and a link to his website.
Hello MWA IRD Attendees,
Thank you for patience and persistence. I have received a few emails alerting me that the survey link wasn’t working properly. I noticed that several attendees have already completed the survey, so something may have corrupted the link. Please alert me directly if you are having difficulties accessing the survey. Thank you. I look forward to your feedback.
Eric Lofstrom
The recording below will be available for approx. 4 weeks. Thank you.
Hello Fellow Woodturners,
Thank you for joining me for my recent interactive remote demonstration. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with you! I am including a survey to learn about your interest in woodturning and to gather information about your experience with my recent demonstration. I value your feedback and use it to refine my connection with our woodturning community. Thank you for your time and thoughtful responses.
For those who complete the survey, I plan to raffle off the demo piece to an attendee who completes the survey by 2/17. I will announce the winner using email addresses collected on the survey, stay tuned! 🙂
Please share your feedback: Survey for Eric Lofstrom’s Demo
Here is a secured link for the recording of the live demonstration: Recording of Demo
Please watch the recording as many time as you desire but keep the link to the recording within your woodturning club. If you are interested in sharing with someone outside of your club affiliation, please email me to ask permission. The recording will be available for approx. 4 weeks. Thank you.
If you are interested in tools or techniques I shared during the demo or pursuing additional instruction, please email me directly at for additional information. If you have not yet downloaded the learning resource for the demo, it can be downloaded through my Resources page on my website. Also, the E.Lofstrom Signature tools are accessible exclusively through my website, Purchase Page. I currently have my signature tools available for purchase and plan to post artwork for sale soon.
Thank you again for your participation and for your interest in my woodturning instruction. I look forward to the next time our paths meet.
Eric Lofstrom
253-320-4788 (cell)